Monday, October 29, 2012

Happiness: A Step Away - The Self Improvement Blog

By M. Farouk Radwan -

Happiness stems from the inner feeling of peace and the calmness surrounding it. While many believe that happiness would come to them from the things that they do or the needs they fulfill, it does not truly work that way.

While little things could change your mood and make you happy, happiness comes from inside. Of course, there might be factors that activate your happiness, but some people, at the worst times, remain happy.

In the saddest moment, there is always something that can change your mood. It?s not something that you can see, and only few people can feel it. It requires a lot of work in order to obtain and once obtained, you can never let it go. Just like you, everyone has trouble of his own and everybody goes through hard times.

If you identify and find the happiest man in the world and ask him the reason for his happiness, he will say that there is no reason he can name, he is just happy that way. Don?t -you- mistake happiness with lack of worrisome or for the company of a nice lady or for the wealth, but all of that perishes.

Nothing truly lasts forever, because eternity is a long time. If you want to achieve happiness, then you are up for a long list of tasks that you need to do. You need to get rid of all the straight negative feelings that you encounter because of things you have done or things that were done to you and instead embrace happiness as a friend rather than a feeling; a friend whom you can count on when everything seems to go against you.

Anger will not allow you to reach for happiness. What anger does is, eventually, destructive to both your serenity and the peace surrounding you. While you are in an angry state, go back into your memories and find something that will soothe you. While your memories might all seem dark, there?s that one thing that will make you feel good.

When you do well, do not expect or wait for anything in return. If there is a reason for the good feelings, then keep in mind that the reason will fade some day and you will not be able to do good again because your motivation is gone.

And remember that because you do not receive positive effects in return, you will give yourself a reason to be happy when the world frowns at you. You are the master of yourself and only you can give yourself the happiness you need to go on and smile when everything seems dim.

Your smile will turn everything around because you attract this positive energy that will bring you good things in return.

If you ever feel that you are lonely, bring your happiness out through memories and if you have no memories, imagine things that will make you happy. While imagination seems to be an anti-realistic topic, it is the reason for most inventions and the greatest invention that man has ever made is happiness.

Happiness is all around you, if you take a closer look at the world all around you.

But the negative feelings that might encounter you do not only come from you, sometimes they come from things or people around you. If you fail to do something, will you throw yourself into depression or just get back up and hope -even when all hope is lost- so you would be able to keep on going?

If you surrender to the negative feelings then you lose your ownership over your own self and in return, you might seek alternatives that will make you feel in control. But that is never the way to go.

A bit of forgiveness and humble apologetic behavior will turn the tides around. When you are rightfully do something and someone else takes the credit for it, smile and they will lose everything that they have done to steal your accomplishment.

Vengeful behavior will get you nowhere, but acceptance will bring you strength and forgiveness will make you win.

It all comes from you. You control your emotions. You are the master of yourself. If you seek happiness, then know that it does not come from anything around you but your own spirit. If you seek happiness then become happy because nothing else will make you happy no matter how good it is. It will all come to you when you smile to the world and give it a signal to smile back at you., The ultimate source for self understanding

10,000,000 Million visits and counting. How to be happy

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Friday, October 26, 2012

Indiana candidate sorry about rape comment; Romney stands by him

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Indiana Republican U.S. Senate candidate Richard Mourdock, speaks with volunteers at the Republican \u201cVictory Center\u201d in Jeffersonville, Indiana October 3, 2012. 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Thursday, October 25, 2012

Families Supporting Adoption: Foster Care and Social Networking

We have a new guest contributor! Meet?Dr. John DeGarmo:

Dr. DeGarmo has been a foster parent for 11 years, now, and he and his wife have had over 30 children come through their home.??Dr. DeGarmo wrote his dissertation on fostering, entitled Responding to the Needs of Foster Children in Rural Schools.??He is a speaker and trainer on many topics about the foster care system, and travels around the nation delivering passionate, dynamic, energetic, and informative presentations.??Dr. DeGarmo is the author of the highly inspirational and bestselling book?Fostering Love: One Foster Parent?s Story.??He also writes for a number of publications and newsletters, both here in the United States, and overseas.?

We are so fortunate that Dr. DeGarmo will be contributing his wealth of knowledge and experience on foster care topics here at the FSA blog.

Fostering Hope: A Foster Care Column

As a foster and adoptive parent myself, I recognize the importance of technology in the lives of children. Indeed, technology is everywhere, and for our children today, it is a large part of their lives. Yet, social network sites, such as Facebook, have opened up a whole new world for those involved in the foster care system. Foster children, foster parents, birth parents, and social workers have all felt the impact of this powerful technological communication tool. Social Networking allows foster children to stay connected to friends and family members from all over. For these children in need, it can very much be a benefit as they stay in touch with birth parents and biological family members.

These sites open up a new way to communicate with birth parents and other biological family members. Facebook and other networking sites allow foster children and birth parents to remain in day to day contact, as it allows the foster child the opportunity to continue in a relationship that is important to him. This may help in allowing him to heal from the separation from his family.?

Social networking does present problems to foster children, though. Some caseworkers may prefer that contact with birth parents be limited. Yet, with social networking, this can be most difficult, and almost impossible, for foster parents to monitor. More and more birth parents are contacting their foster children through social networking sites, many times against the wishes of both foster parents and caseworkers. Birth parents are able to openly communicate with their child unsupervised, which can lead to false accusations as well as false promises from the birth parents. Indeed, social networking is a whole new world for all involved in foster care; a world that can be both wonderful and dangerous at the same time. ?There is the chat component of Facebook,? one caseworker noted, ?where a child and their parent could essentially have a conversation that no one would be able to monitor unless they were sitting right next to the child, which is a grave concern.? Case managers would have to be familiar with the birth parent's Facebook page before the foster child was to even access it. Along with this, there are many reports of foster parents being bullied and stalked by the birth parents through social networking. Another caseworker suggested that, ?I am personally aware of inappropriate things that parents post on their Facebook pages that would not be appropriate for their children to view. Not only might there be inappropriate information and comments on there, there also might be inappropriate photos and other harmful content that the children do not need to be exposed to, not just from the birth parents, but from the internet, in general.? Indeed, social networking is a whole new world for all involved in foster care; a world that can be both wonderful and dangerous at the same time. Much more information and research is needed before the social network explosion engulfs foster care.

Next month, we shall look at some strategies to aid our foster children in this new world of technology.

Dr. DeGarmo can be contacted by email, through his Facebook page, ?or at his website.


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Kids' mountain bike program likely the first of many in Old Town ...

Ten children in Old Town learned the joys of mountain biking during a monthlong program for grades 4-8 that ran mid-September through mid-October.

The program was made possible by a first-of-its-kind collaboration of three Maine-based organizations: Old Town Recreation, Maine Winter Sports Center and the Bicycle Coalition of Maine.

?They were very excited to just go out and experience the outdoors,? said Kevin McPhee, director of Old Town Recreation, which hosted the program. ?We have a river trail here in the Old Town-Orono area that goes along the Stillwater River. It?s just a beautiful bike trial, and they were able to experience that on a couple of occasions.?

Biking in the mud was their favorite part.

?They usually came back and had mud up their backs and huge smiles,? McPhee said. ?Their parents would come to pick them up and just shake their heads and smile.?

Healthy Hometowns, the community development program of the Maine Winter Sports Center, provided mountain bikes and helmets for participants, as well as training and curriculum for leaders.

?The focus of this program was on experiencing the lifelong, active outdoor pursuit of mountain biking,? said Central Maine Healthy Hometowns coach Lauren Jacobs. ?Kids had a blast exploring the trails, getting muddy and becoming skilled bikers.?

In April, L.L.Bean announced a $1 million donation to Healthy Hometowns to expand the program into a year-round, statewide effort. This donation coincides with L.L.Bean?s mission to get more children outdoors during their 100th anniversary year and beyond.

?In the past, Healthy Hometowns has been primarily cross-country ski-oriented and mostly in the County, up in Aroostook,? Jacobs said. ?With the funding in April, we can go statewide and year-round. This is the first time we?ve had equipment to use in other regions.?

The funding is providing staff, training and resources for Healthy Hometowns expand its focus to outdoor activities such as paddling, hiking, mountain biking, orienteering and camping.

So far, the donation enabled Healthy Hometowns to purchase 20 mountain bikes, three boat trailers of kayaks, and expand their ski collection to approximately 1,500 sets of skis. The program ?coaches? have started spreading out across the state, and the equipment supply will continue to grow over the next three years, Jacobs said.

The 10 children who participated in the Old Town mountain bike program gained skills and confidence through riding on local trails and fields and engaging in a variety of games and activities used to teach bike handling, shifting, braking, safety and navigating obstacles.

The Bicycle Coalition of Maine, a statewide cycling advocacy group, supported the initiative with a safety program for participants and program leadership by a coalition employee.

?Participants markedly improved their biking skills while getting great exercise and getting the opportunity to experience the great Maine outdoors as it was meant to be enjoyed,? McPhee said.

During the summer, Healthy Hometowns and Old Town Recreation worked together to provide kayaking and biking opportunities to summer camp participants. And this winter, the two organizations will work together for the third year to offer a youth cross-country ski program in conjunction with the Penobscot Valley Ski Club.

?This will be an ongoing effort,? McPhee said. ?We look forward to doing this spring, summer, fall and winter. We look forward to partnering with them each season to provide a different activity.?

Healthy Hometowns trailers filled with cross-country skis and snowshoes will travel throughout the state all winter to give children the chance to experience winter sports. Several schools in the Bangor area have booked the equipment, including schools in Winterport, Hampden, Bangor and Dover-Foxcroft.

?We are really focused on winter right now, planning winter sports, getting out calendars filled up and getting ready to do our ski weeks,? Jacobs said. ?But it won?t be long before we start thinking about spring and getting programming lined up. We already have a couple of requests ? Milo has already scheduled the mountain bikes for their outing club members for some time in May.?

For information about Healthy Hometowns, including equipment rental and outdoor programs, visit; the Old Town Recreation Department at; and the Bicycle Coalition of Maine at


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Common speech disorders | Speech Therapy

October 24, 2012 in Photos & Videos



Stuttering is a common speech disorder characterized by? repetition of speech. The speaker may keep on repeating just the first part of the word or they may elongate their words.



Stammering is another speech disorder, which makes? it difficult to? express sounds. It can also affect the facial muscles. The speaker can experience? difficulty in beginning words or they may repeat words or syllables continually.



Lisping usually begins in childhood and can be caused if parents do not teach their child to speak properly.? Physical defects like a cleft palate can also cause lisping.



Cluttering?is a language disorder. The person may speak in bursts, and may sound jerky while talking. Often, the speaker is unaware he has this problem.



It is also known as oral-motor speech disorder. Apraxia is caused by problems with motor coordination or motor planning. The sufferer finds it difficult to move the muscles necessary to form speech sounds.



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Wednesday, October 24, 2012

CPD Blog ? Blog Archive ? URLEND, IDASL trainees attend ...

Trainees from two projects with the Center for Persons with Disabilities attended a major conference in Houston, Tex., last week without ever leaving home. The two-day conference, originating from Baylor Medical Center, focused on challenges and supports available to transition youth with significant medical issues from pediatric to adult care, said Dr. Judith Holt, co-director of the Utah Regional Leadership Education in Neurodevelopmental and Related Disabilities (URLEND) project. Significant medical issues, Holt said, could include chronic medical conditions such as cystic fibrosis or cardiac problems to developmental issues like autism.

?Attendance at the conference was not required, but the trainees can use the hours toward meeting their overall hour requirement,? Holt said. ?It?s an example of the opportunities the trainees have here at the Center for Persons with Disabilities.?

According to Holt, only a few members of the 2012 cohort of 48 trainees attended portions of the conference in the CPD?s distance learning room, but many more viewed it from eight different URLEND sites in five states. Trainees from the CPD?s Interdisciplinary Disability Awareness and Service Learning (IDASL) project also attended.

URLEND trainees participated in the 13th annual conference by invitation, Holt said, and the program was able to utilize a single access code for all of the sites because the trainees were so spread out.

?I was really very impressed with it,? Holt said. ?The speakers were excellent. It?s another opportunity for trainees in our programs to participate in high-level conferences on significant topics.?

URLEND trainees from a variety of disciplines are brought together with faculty and families of children with special health care needs to form an interdisciplinary learning cohort. Each long-term trainee participates in didactic (classroom) learning, leadership research, and clinical learning. Disciplines include pediatric medicine, genetics, and dentistry; psychology; social work; nursing; audiology; pediatric audiology; health administration; nutrition; special education; speech and language pathology; occupation therapy; and physical therapy.

IDASL provides opportunities for students, as well as individuals with disabilities and family members of children with disabilities, to become part of interdisciplinary teams. These teams, with faculty mentors, provide services and supports to children with disabilities and their families, as well as adults with disabilities.

For more information, visit:




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Another Tibetan in western China self-immolates

BEIJING A Tibetan farmer set himself ablaze in front of a market in remote northwest China in the second self-immolation death near the Labrang Monastery in two days, a rights group said.

The monastery in Gansu province's Xiahe county is one of the most important outside of Tibet and was the site of numerous protests by monks following deadly ethnic riots in Tibet in 2008 that were the most sustained Tibetan uprising against Chinese rule in decades.

The Washington-based International Campaign for Tibet said in an email that Dorje Rinchen, a farmer in his late 50s, set himself on fire Tuesday on the main street in Xiahe and died later.

The group sent a photo allegedly showing Dorje wrapped in blankets after the immolation, his neck and head badly charred and swollen. It was not clear whether he was still alive when the blurry, poorly lit picture was taken.

The group quoted a Tibetan from Xiahe who currently lives in exile as saying that Dorje had counseled young Tibetans not to self-immolate.

A woman who answered the phone at the Xiahe Public Security Bureau refused to answer questions about the self-immolation and the phone of the local Communist Party propaganda office rang unanswered Wednesday. The number for the Labrang Monastery appeared to not be in service.

On Monday, a Tibetan herdsman died after setting himself on fire near the monastery.

Dozens of Tibetans have set themselves on fire since March 2011 in ethnic Tibetan areas of China in protest over what activists say is Beijing's heavy-handed rule in the region. Many have called for the return of their spiritual leader, the exiled Dalai Lama. The government has confirmed some, but not all, of the self-immolations.

Chinese authorities routinely deny Tibetan claims of repression and have accused supporters of the Dalai Lama of encouraging the self-immolations. The Dalai Lama and representatives of the self-declared Tibetan government-in-exile in India say they oppose all violence.


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City Considers Breaking Up Fancy House Parties - Santa Monica ...

Showing off the designer diggs you intend to sale by hosting big parties, even ones for good causes, could soon be illegal in Santa Monica.

The Santa Monica City Council will take up on Tuesday night an emergency ordinance that designed to pull the plug on large fundraisers planned at an historic home on La Mesa Drive, dubbed "The House of Rock." It would apply citywide and affect all gatherings of 150 people or more at single-family homes that operate as "event facilities for the commercial purpose of selling that property."

Because it's classified as an "emergency," the ordinance would take effect immediately. (Typically, ordinances are adopted only after a second vote of the council and take effect 30 days after.)

"It?s just shocking they would go down this path," said Ben Reznick, an attorney representing the La Mesa Drive home's owners, Greg Briles and Elaine Culotti.

Formerly home to Broadway star Kathryn Grayson, the 1926 English Cottage-Tudor Revival sits on a bluff overlooking Santa Monica Canyon and Riviera Country Club.

It was renovated last year by high-end designers commissioned to work independently on rooms but under the same theme of music. The owners also secured sponsorships from name-brand companies whose products were incorporated into the so-called design rooms.

The 10,000 square foot home has since been a stage to some swanky fundraisers featuring concerts and recording sessions by bands such as Shiny Toy Guns.

Three such events have drawn crowds of between 400 and 500 people, and as many as five more are planned through Dec. 6. Afterward, the house will be put up for sale, according to Steve Getzug, who was asked to speak on behalf of the owners.

"Her interest has always been to improve the home, to live in it and enjoy it, and sale it and make a profit in the turning of the home," he said of Culotti.

Reznick, her attorney, said he and his client have offered to work with disgruntled neighbors who say living next to the House of Rock is like living next door to a night club. He claims the ordinance would have a "chilling" effect on Santa Monica.

"Don?t take away the rights of homeowners to host events," he said.

But city staffers contend the parties "differ substantially" from the occasional political or charitable fundraiser "both in frequency, purpose, advertising and intensity of its impact" on the neighborhood, according to their report to the City Council.

The proposed ordinance reads:

It will not preclude marketing single-family residential real estate in Santa Monica through standard means. Nor will it preclude large social gatherings, charitable events or political fundraisers in residential neighborhoods;

It continues:

[It] is merely intended to preclude the operation of one particular and specific type of marketing scheme that creates extreme nuisance conditions and thereby degrades public welfare, safety and quality of life in residential neighborhoods, and is particularly likely to proliferate.

The Santa Monica City Council meets at 6:30 p.m. in City Hall at 1685 Main St. To view the night's complete agenda, click here.


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Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Denver Indian Health and Family Services, various job openings ...

Denver Indian Health and Family Services (DIHFS) is a non-profit health clinic for American Indian people.


To provide culturally competent services that promote personal, community, and environmental health and wellness for American Indian Families and Individuals in the Metropolitan Denver Area.
We are located near the following bus lines: Denver RTD buses #20 (E/W bound) and the #15 (E/W bound). DIHFS is located just east of downtown, 1 block from City Park and historic East High School.

Current Job Openings:

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Weak outlooks from 3M, DuPont sink stock market

Stocks are falling sharply at the opening of trading on Wall Street after 3M and DuPont slashed their earnings forecasts.

The Dow Jones industrial average sank 162 points to 13,183 in the first few minutes of trading Tuesday.

Both DuPont and 3M are in the Dow average. DuPont was off 7 percent in early trading, and 3M fell 3 percent.

The weak showings from the two major industrial companies were the latest pieces of bad news from the third quarter earnings season. Companies in the Standard & Poor's 500 index are expected to report lower earnings for the first time in three years.

The S&P 500 was off 17 points at 1,417 and the Nasdaq composite fell 33 points to 2,983.

European markets also fell.


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LG exec claims Nexus due at October 29th event, ships to India one month later

LG Nexus G leaked by

It's either a premature confirmation or one of the larger executive gaffes we've seen in recent memory, but it's hard to ignore. LG's Mobile Product Planning lead for India, Amit Gujral, just claimed in an interview with IBNLive that the "LG Nexus" will launch at Google's October 29th event and ship to India "by the end of November." He even stuck his neck out to offer specifications -- the Nexus will reportedly have a very Optimus G-like 4.7-inch screen and quad-core 1.5GHz chip while throwing the unreleased Android 4.2 into the equation. Nothing's official so far despite the statements, and we're not expecting to Google to spoil its own party; if Gujral really does have the inside track, though, we may have been given a peek at the main attraction in Google's playground.

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LG exec claims Nexus due at October 29th event, ships to India one month later originally appeared on Engadget on Mon, 22 Oct 2012 14:09:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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Monday, October 22, 2012

Roy Hibbert Does Gangnam Style in Mall (Video) - Rant Sports

Roy Hibbert October 2012

Pat Lovell-US Presswire

If you aren?t familiar with the song ?Gangnam Style,? you must have been living under a rock or something. The latest song by South Korean pop singer/rapper?Psy?has been going crazy for the past few months from all over the world.

It?s already the most viewed video on YouTube and people can?t get enough of the catchy tune. Many have already done their mock-ups of it, some who are celebrities and other who are athletes.

For?Indiana Pacers?center?Roy Hibbert, he decided to join in on it and he did it himself at a local mall in Indiana. It took him a while to get in to create suspense, as some Pacers fans started out doing it, maybe some who are part of Hibbert?s ?Area 55? fanbase.

When it was towards to building up to the chorus, Hibbert came in the most?suspenseful?way with his 7-2 frame, coming in with a white tuxedo and breaking it down for the public to enjoy that saw this performance coming out of nowhere.

It?s pretty fun to watch, though Hibbert wasn?t too great at it. He did look pretty stiff doing it and really couldn?t gel, but at least he did his part and gave people some enjoyment out of it. I know I did; it was pretty funny to watch.

Basically, we?ve seen the Pacers center just about everywhere now.

He?s been in MMA training places, he plays a role in?Parks & Recreation, he tries out to be?a member of Samcro or a One-Niner on Sons of Anarchy, he brings his fans to go see?Prometheus and now he does his own version of Gangnam Style in a mall.

Hibbert, you?re one of a kind.


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    TV, devices in kids' bedrooms linked to poor sleep, obesity

    ScienceDaily (Oct. 22, 2012) ? Children who bask in the nighttime glow of a TV or computer don't get enough rest and suffer from poor lifestyle habits, new research from the University of Alberta has shown.

    A province-wide survey of Grade 5 students in Alberta showed that as little as one hour of additional sleep decreased the odds of being overweight or obese by 28 per cent and 30 per cent, respectively. Children with one or more electronic devices in the bedroom -- TVs, computers, video games and cellphones -- were also far more likely to be overweight or obese.

    "If you want your kids to sleep better and live a healthier lifestyle, get the technology out of the bedroom," said co-author Paul Veugelers, a professor in the School of Public Health, Canada Research Chair in Population Health and Alberta Innovates -- Health Solutions Health Scholar.

    Veugelers, director of the Population Health Intervention Research Unit that works with the Alberta Project Promoting active Living and healthy Eating (APPLE Schools), said the research is the first to connect the dots on the relationship between sleep, diet and physical activity among kids.

    Nearly 3,400 Grade 5 students were asked about their nighttime sleep habits and access to electronics through the REAL Kids Alberta survey. Half of the students had a TV, DVD player or video game console in their bedroom, 21 per cent had a computer and 17 per cent had a cellphone. Five per cent of students had all three types of devices.

    Some 57 per cent of students reported using electronics after they were supposed to be asleep, with watching TV and movies being the most popular activity. Twenty-seven per cent of students engaged in three or more activities after bedtime.

    Researchers found that students with access to one electronic device were 1.47 times as likely to be overweight as kids with no devices in the bedroom. That increased to 2.57 times for kids with three devices, with similar results reported among obese children.

    More sleep also led to significantly more physical activity and better diet choices, researchers found.

    Co-author Christina Fung noted that children today are not sleeping as much as previous generations, with two-thirds not getting the recommended hours of sleep per night. In addition to healthy lifestyle habits, a good night's sleep has been linked to better academic outcomes, fewer mood disorders and other positive health outcomes, she said.

    "It's important to teach these children at an earlier age and teach them healthy habits when they are younger."

    The research was published in September by the journal Pediatric Obesity, in an early online release. The REAL Kids Alberta evaluation was funded through a contract with Alberta Health.

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    The above story is reprinted from materials provided by University of Alberta. The original article was written by Bryan Alary.

    Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

    Journal Reference:

    1. H. Chahal, C. Fung, S. Kuhle, P. J. Veugelers. Availability and night-time use of electronic entertainment and communication devices are associated with short sleep duration and obesity among Canadian children. Pediatric Obesity, 2012; DOI: 10.1111/j.2047-6310.2012.00085.x

    Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.

    Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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    Sunday, October 21, 2012

    Escaping Election Chaos - PassPorter Community - Boards ...

    Welcome! We're happy you've found the PassPorter Community -- the friendliest place to plan your vacation to Walt Disney World, Disney Cruise Line, Disneyland, and the world in general! You are now viewing the PassPorter Message Board Community as a guest, which gives you limited access. As our guest, feel free to browse our messages by selecting the forum you want to visit from the list below.

    To post messages and ask questions, join our FREE community today and you'll get access to tools and resources not available to guests, such as our vacation countown timers, "living" avatars, private messaging system, database searches, downloads, and a special PassPorter discount code. Registration is fast, simple, and completely free. Just click the Join Our Community link.

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    Old Yesterday, 06:27 AM ? #1 (permalink)

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    Escaping Election Chaos

    Escaping Election Chaos ?a PTR for 31 October ? 3 November at WDW and 3 ? 10 November aboard the Fantasy.

    It?s been a few years (we won?t discuss how many) since I attempted a trip report of any kind. I don?t know why I decided to start again, but this little three-day at WDW seems to be tailor made for getting my feet wet. Since we are just a few days from leaving?I better get busy! If I do well, perhaps I can do one on our long trip in May! Anyway, hands and feet must remain in the PTR at all times, stow all loose items and dispense with any liquid beverages?it could get bumpy out here.

    Our cast:
    NanaTink?.54, Wife, Mom, Mema, family Disney planner. Busy planning trips since 2001. I work as an analyst for the Federal government in downtown DC at the Department of Justice.

    Sulley?also 54, Husband, Dad, Papa, Disney enabler. Secret Disney lover, but if asked, it?s all for moi. He works at the Pentagon as a Public Affairs officer. Retired from the Navy in 1998 after 22 years, it took a lot of convincing on my part to get him to cruise.

    Our first trip to Disney together was our very first vacation that wasn?t to visit family or connected to a move to a new duty station. Our youngest child had graduated from high school the year before, our oldest in the Navy himself.

    I don?t remember who came up with the idea of going to Disney the first time, but I want to say the original idea belonged to Sulley, that he saw an advertisement for Shades of Green and thought it was perfect. As it turned out, SoG was undergoing renovation at the time, so they booked us into POR, Alligator, Bayou, and as they say, the rest was history! Or as I have been known to say, you have nobody to blame but yourself!

    Since that first trip, we?ve made an additional 15 trips to the World, traveled to Disneyland 3 times and taken 9 cruises. In addition, we joined the Disney Vacation Club. And remember, this is ALL.MY.FAULT!

    That?s us in my signature picture, it?s one of my favorites, taken on the Dream in June last year, which, coincidently this plan had its germination. As always, DCL had its onboard booking offers and we decided that since we both work in DC, and having been through the ?drama? of elections, both having political appointees as bosses, we did not want to be around during the election, either way it goes. Plus, we were excited to sail on the Fantasy as well, so the 3 November cruise jumped out as the perfect one. I booked it.

    ?Now wait,? you are thinking??this isn?t the cruise trip report area!? Fear not, there is a Disney stay attached?I just wanted to give you the beginning point.

    Fast forward to Ocotber and you will find Sulley and I working on planning our January trip to WDW with our youngest son and his family. We were talking about leave plans for the upcoming year, and Sulley said, ?you know, I love taking the kids and the grandkids, but sometimes I just miss wandering around with just you and not having to plan around other people. When can we go just for us?? (Remember how Disney trips are ALL.FOR.ME? )

    Up next: Time in the World Together

    My PassPorter Bookshelf
    My Previous TripsNov 77-one day WDW; Oct 01--POR; Oct 04--Grand Floridian; Dec 05--Grand Californian Concierge/Beach Club Concierge/Disney Wonder; May 06--Grand Floridian Concierge; Sept 06- Disney Magic, West. Carib; May 07--Saratoga Springs; Sept/Oct 07--Disney Magic, East. Carib; Jan 08--Saratoga Springs; Apr 08 Contemporary Concierge; Aug 08--Grand Californian Concierge; Aug-Sep 08--Disney Magic, Eastbound Panama Canal; Dec 08--Grand Floridian Palm Club; Apr 09--Animal Kingdom Lodge; Oct 09--Saratoga Springs; Dec 09--Polynesian-Disney Magic Eastern Carib; May 10--Villas at Wilderness Lodge; Jun 10--POFQ; Nov-Dec 10--Disney Magic Western Carib-Saratoga Springs; Feb 11--Grand Californian; Jun 11--DIsney Dream B2B; Jan 12--WDW VWL; May 12--HHI; Jul 12--Disney Magic 2-day;
    Reward: Angel Pixie x 4 Reward: Holidays Pixie x 1 Reward: Gift Pixie x 2 Reward: Bon Voyage Pixie x 1 Reward: Birthday Pixie x 1

    Last edited by NanaTink; Yesterday at 06:29 AM..

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    Old Yesterday, 06:59 AM ? #2 (permalink)

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    This Time is Our Time

    When we travel for a cruise, we usually take Friday off, and travel down at our leisure and stay at the Hyatt MCO. It?s easy and we are right there for the bus to the port first thing in the morning! No concerns about flight delays. I looked at our point situation and realized we had plenty to add a few days at Disney before the cruise. We could fly down, take the DME to WDW and spend a few days wandering around! Sold, but still have to wait a few days for our 11 month window. I could still plan though!

    Now, I know that October 31 is Halloween, and the Magic Kingdom will definitely have MNSSHP that night, and knowing they usually have a party a couple days afterwards, I asked Sulley if he was interested in going to the party again. He declined, saying, I just want to stroll around, do a few rides, take photos, nothing fast-paced as our last few trips have been. I agree, so low key is the plan. I?m reading everything coming out about the Fantasyland expansion and trying to figure out what will, won?t or might be open when we go?hmmmm.

    Finally, our 11-month DVC window arrives and I hop online and book a Saratoga Springs one bedroom, arriving on October 31st, checking out November 3. Now many people will wonder why do we waste our points on a one-bedroom for only 3 nights.

    There are a few reasons. I often have problems sleeping and get up and wander around. I don?t want to disturb Sulley with my nocturnal wanderings, so a one bedroom allows me to get up and go into another room to read if I want and not worry about keeping him awake. It also has the advantage of having a washer and dryer in the room, allowing me to do our laundry just before the cruise so I do not have to pack EXTRA clothes for the trip. Plus, I have the points, so why not?

    I task Sulley with finding our airfare as he is a United Premier Exec frequent flyer which is helpful as our baggage is free and he is complimentary upgraded to Economy Plus, a god-send with his long legs! (Due to the budget crisis, his government travel was curtailed this year, so we will lose this perk next year )

    We discussed our park plans, knowing our time is limited. I voice my desire to go to MK our arrival day of 31 October and see what the new Fantasyland has to offer, knowing that the park will close at 7 for non-party attendees, this will allow for a nice dinner following and maybe a trip to DTD. Sulley agrees, and states he of course wants to ride ToT and RnRC, so day 2 looks like DHS, possibly some wandering of Epcot FWF. I point out our time in MK will be limited our first day and I would like to go back and ride some rides and just wander the park. Sulley agrees. So we have a basic plan, now it?s time to think about food. Where should we eat?

    Up next; Dining plans?.You want WHAT?

    My PassPorter Bookshelf
    My Previous TripsNov 77-one day WDW; Oct 01--POR; Oct 04--Grand Floridian; Dec 05--Grand Californian Concierge/Beach Club Concierge/Disney Wonder; May 06--Grand Floridian Concierge; Sept 06- Disney Magic, West. Carib; May 07--Saratoga Springs; Sept/Oct 07--Disney Magic, East. Carib; Jan 08--Saratoga Springs; Apr 08 Contemporary Concierge; Aug 08--Grand Californian Concierge; Aug-Sep 08--Disney Magic, Eastbound Panama Canal; Dec 08--Grand Floridian Palm Club; Apr 09--Animal Kingdom Lodge; Oct 09--Saratoga Springs; Dec 09--Polynesian-Disney Magic Eastern Carib; May 10--Villas at Wilderness Lodge; Jun 10--POFQ; Nov-Dec 10--Disney Magic Western Carib-Saratoga Springs; Feb 11--Grand Californian; Jun 11--DIsney Dream B2B; Jan 12--WDW VWL; May 12--HHI; Jul 12--Disney Magic 2-day;
    Reward: Angel Pixie x 4 Reward: Holidays Pixie x 1 Reward: Gift Pixie x 2 Reward: Bon Voyage Pixie x 1 Reward: Birthday Pixie x 1

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    Old Yesterday, 07:14 AM ? #3 (permalink)

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    Great Start!!! Fantastic that just the two of you are spending time in my favorite bubble!!!

    My Previous TripsSSR October 2012; SSR Julu 2011; BWV May 2011; SSR July/Aug 2010; WL & SSR July 2009; SSR July 2008; OKW August 2007; OKW May 2007; SSR October 2006; SSR June 2006; OKW December 2005; CS September 2005; OKW July 2005; SSR October 2004; POP June 2004; ASMV April 2004; BWV October 2003
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    Old Yesterday, 10:23 AM ? #4 (permalink)

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    Great start!!

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    Old Yesterday, 10:39 AM ? #5 (permalink)

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    Sounds fun. DH and I just returned from a 3 night stay that was supposed to be just us leisurely visiting the world. Well, we get there and there is still so much we want to do that it turned commando!

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    Old Yesterday, 10:51 AM ? #6 (permalink)

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    I love the Halloween decorations at WDW; such a great time of year to visit. Have fun!

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    Old Yesterday, 11:59 AM ? #8 (permalink)

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    Glad you decided to do a report! I loved the intro and it sounds like it'll be a great trip. I understand booking the 1-bedroom. So nice to have the extra space, laundry and that nice, big bathroom and tub!

    My Previous TripsMost recent WDW trip 11/11; Most recent DLR trip 7/12; Most recent DCL trip 7/12 Alaska Wonder
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    Old Yesterday, 02:29 PM ? #9 (permalink)

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    Have Fun.

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    Old Yesterday, 10:23 PM ? #11 (permalink)

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    Great Start.. I have loved the rest of your TR's so I look forward to this one.

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    Old Yesterday, 10:31 PM ? #13 (permalink)

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    great start

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    WDW- november-dec 2007 pop century
    WDW- dec/jan 2009/2010 pop century

    My Countdown Counting down to: not so scary disney trip with free dining
    5 days, 12 hours, 34 minutes
    My Previous Tripsaug 1997 off site jan 2005 animal kingdom lodger oct/nov 2012 aoa may 2006 pop century dec 2007 pop century dec 2009/jan 2010 pop century
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    Old Yesterday, 11:54 PM ? #14 (permalink)

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    sounds like fun.

    My Previous TripsWDW Aug 1983, WDW Aug 1998, WDW June 1999, WDW June 2001, WDW May 2006, WDW Dec 2008, WDW Dec 2009, WDW Oct 2010, WDW Oct 2011
    Reward: Love Pixie x 1 Reward: Holidays Pixie x 1 Reward: Halloween Pixie x 2
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    Old Today, 12:18 AM ? #15 (permalink)

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    Sounding great!

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